WEbSites & Website Branding
My Resume & software skills
My Design Skills
Digital Design
I enjoy web applications, websites and app prototypes that focus on the keys
of usability and interface design.
I also design e-mail campaigns, wire-frames, and basic websites for clients based around clean Ui/Ux design.
Some of the most enjoyable work that I have been involved in has been branding related. I have a passion for developing an idea's creative direction.
Layout Design
Graphic design has been a passion of mine for a long time.
Whether it be building collateral pieces, print material or establishing a companies identity to move forward.
I always enjoy a challenge in coming up with a layout that gives creative direction.
My Graphic Work
Graphic Campaigns & BRanding
Graphic Campaigns & BRanding
Printed Graphic Works
School Culture BRanding
Describe what you offer here. add a few choice words and a stunning pic to tantalize your audience and leave them hungry for more.
Cady Studios Senior Catalog
This project is a magazine highlighting photography services provided for Cady Studios Seniors. I helped design and finalize several pages for this piece alongside a talented marketing/sales team and two other graphic designers who additionally worked and started the project.
2019 Fresh Start Sales Circular
This is a Sales Circular that I worked I designed and built as a solo project for the Marine Corps Exchange.
Contact ME
Mike Singleton
E-mail: mjs31694
Tel: 706-332-8255
Atlanta, GA